Hopefully, you had a fantastic weekend. We are entering October, can you believe it?! Fall break will soon be upon us.
BINGO night has been rescheduled to this Friday, October 4 from 6-8 pm at Fox Ridge Middle School.
Tomorrow, PTCO has encouraged a second crazy hat day/crazy hair day in an effort to get all students here for October Count day. Donations of $1.00 will still be collected by PTCO. Friday's spirit day this week is popcorn day- donations of a dollar but popcorn to have in class.
This week, you can expect:
MATH: For 2nd grade math- moving into Unit 3, focusing on place value, money, time and solving multi-step problems. In 3rd grade math: also moving into Unit 3, focusing on Measurement. Stand Out Math Computation tests given every week and Stand Out Math taught on Friday.
WRITING: We are working on Narrative Writing. Our prompt will be "tell about a time you had fun with Mom." Through Focused Modeled Writing, kids will have an opportunity to learn as teachers model, as well as apply their thinking as they create their own thinking maps and writing. Our focus will be on building the structure in writing, while still learning to add details and use descriptive language.
PHONICS AND VOCABULARY: Continuing to practice our FAST phonics.Fast spelling test (lesson 6) on Friday. Finish Lesson 3 in Wordly Wise (our new words are: antenna, balance, boulder, cliff, joint, machine, motor, muscle, planet, slope).
LITERACY: Continuing whole group reading and responding, as well as small group conferences around individual reading levels.
FOSS Science: Monday and Thursday
Social Studies- Unit 1 What is a Community?
Community Events:
PTCO Fundraiser!!
Our "Get Out of Fundraising" donation drive is
underway! Instead of selling "stuff" door-to-door as many
elementary schools do, we hold a monetary donation drive every year. The
recommended amount of $50 per student goes toward funding different
programs and technology for the school. Look for more detailed
information coming home in Friday folders.
We will also be having our Friday Fun Days again this year! For a donation of $1 (or more!), your child can participate in fun events every Friday. Here is what is planned for this year:
Sept 6 - Hat Day / Crazy Hair Day
We will also be having our Friday Fun Days again this year! For a donation of $1 (or more!), your child can participate in fun events every Friday. Here is what is planned for this year:
Sept 6 - Hat Day / Crazy Hair Day
Sept 13 - Pajama Day or Team Jersey Day
Sept 19 - Backwards Day (wear your clothes backwards)
Sept 27 - No Matching Day (wear anything mismatched)
Oct 4 - Popcorn Day (purchase popcorn and eat in the classroom)
Oct 11 - Mustache Day
The class that donates the most will win the first Coyote Cup!
Sept 19 - Backwards Day (wear your clothes backwards)
Sept 27 - No Matching Day (wear anything mismatched)
Oct 4 - Popcorn Day (purchase popcorn and eat in the classroom)
Oct 11 - Mustache Day
The class that donates the most will win the first Coyote Cup!
Looking Forward:
Weds. 10/9 Walk to School Day
Fri. 10/11 Muffins with Mom, 9 am
Thurs. 10/17 PACK assembly at 1:30
Fri. 10/18 Fall Party, 2:45