Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Hello Families!
Only three more wake ups! The count down is into the single digits for Fall Break and the kids are feeling it.
Only three more wake ups! The count down is into the single digits for Fall Break and the kids are feeling it.
MATH: For 2nd grade math- there was a Unit 3 assessment today. We will be starting Unit 4 tomorrow. This unit will focus on number stories, missing addends, and multi step number problems. In 3rd grade math: we will be reviewing Unit 3 for our test on Thursday. Stand Out Math Computation tests given every week and Stand Out Math taught on Friday.
WRITING: We are working on Narrative Writing. Our prompt will be "tell about a fun time with a friend." Through Focused Modeled Writing, kids will have an opportunity to learn as teachers model, as well as apply their thinking as they create their own thinking maps and writing. Our focus will be on building the structure in writing, while still learning to add details and use descriptive language.
PHONICS AND VOCABULARY: Continuing to practice our FAST phonics. Fast spelling test (lesson 8) will be on Friday. Lesson 4 in Wordly Wise will be continued (our words are: ape, branch, brain, cavern, chimney, dozen, flame, net, spear, and torch).
LITERACY: Continuing whole group reading and responding, as well as small group conferences around individual reading levels.
FOSS Science: Monday and Thursday
Social Studies- Unit 2 How are Communities Different?
Community Events:
PTCO Fundraiser!!
Look forward to Novembers events!
Looking Forward:
Thurs. 10/17 PACK assembly at 1:30
Fri. 10/18 Fall Party, 2:45
Mon. 10/21 Fall Break
Mon. 11/4 Back to School
Wed. 11/6 Picture Re-Takes
Fri. 11/8 Report Cards go Home
Mon. 11/11 Veteran's Program
Mon. 11/11 Conference Week
Fri. 11/22 PTCO Snowflake Dance
Wed. 11/27-11/29 Thanksgiving Break