Thank you so much for joining in on the Turkey Trot. The students sure enjoyed pajama day! We will be resuming with school on Monday, December 2nd. Your child will have a reading conference on their regular day. Friday Folders are coming home on Tuesday. There will be no school Wednesday 11/27 - Friday 11/29. Have a wonderful and safe long weekend!
This week, you can expect:
MATH: For 2nd grade math-We are working on Unit 5 Geometry. In 3rd grade math- We are working on Unit 5 Place Value in whole numbers and decimals. Stand Out Math Computation tests given every week and Stand Out Math taught on Friday.
WRITING: We are working on Narrative Writing. Our prompt next week will be "Tell about your long weekend."
Continuing to practice our FAST phonics. Fast spelling test (lesson 12) will be on Friday, check out the spelling tab for the current list.
Lesson 6 in Wordly Wise will be continued (badge, banner, corner, design, display, fold, parade, rectangle, salute, and tread ) don't forget about the wordly wise 3000 link as an extra resource.
LITERACY: Continuing whole group reading and responding, as well as small group conferences around individual reading levels. We are currently working on using information from illustrations to demonstrate an understanding of setting.
FOSS Science: Monday and Thursday
Social Studies- Unit 3 Map Skills
LITERACY: Continuing whole group reading and responding, as well as small group conferences around individual reading levels. We are currently working on using information from illustrations to demonstrate an understanding of setting.
FOSS Science: Monday and Thursday
Social Studies- Unit 3 Map Skills
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, November 27th-Friday November 29th- No School Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, December 4th- Barnes and Noble Night
Tuesday, December 10th- Choir Performance
Thursday, December 19th- PACK Assembly
Monday December 23rd- Friday, January 3rd Winter Break