May 27, 2014
I hope you all enjoyed a fun three day weekend, while honoring and remembering those who are the reason for the Memorial Day holiday.
Thank you for your flexibility regarding our change in schedule for Walk-a-Thon last Friday. We had such a crazy weather week, and didn't want our students to miss their Walk-a-Thon. In the end, the timing was perfect as we finished up right as the rain moved in. Hopefully the weather cooperates as we enjoy Field Day tomorrow and the Coyote Hills' carnival on Friday evening.
This week we will focus on ....
Math: In Second Grade math, we will be taking an end of year test. There will be no math homework this week, due to testing and Field Day tomorrow!
In Third
grade math, we will continue Unit 10, a review of length and measurement. NO Math Homework Weds. due to Field Day.
Continue to practice math facts for fluency. We want all students to be proficient in addition and subtractions facts by the end of second grade.
FAST: We are testing Friday on Lesson 31 spelling words- Last week for Spelling!!!!
Wordly Wise: We will be finishing up Unit 15, and taking cumulative vocabulary tests.
Reading: The next 2 weeks will be focused on Synthesizing and Summarizing.
Writing: Most of the classes are focused on Report Writing
Social Studies: Unit 6 is continuing with... "How are goods made and brought to us?"
FOSS: FOSS has completed for the year.
Grade Level News:
- Wednesday, May 28th: Field Day 9:30-11
- Friday, May 30: Evening PTCO Carnival
- Tuesday, June 10: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL: Dismissal at Noon.