Week of October 20th- October 31st
Hello Families-
Once again as a second grade team we want to thank you all for your support with our spirit Friday (aka Mustache Day), our all school food drive, and our wonderful Fall parties. Your support is truly amazing and appreciated! We wish everyone safe travels and hope that you find time to relax and recharge with your families.
Over break be on the look out for a sign up genius from your teacher in regards to Fall Parent Conferences. These will be held the week of November 10th.
This week we will focus on ....
Math: In second grade math, we will begin working on Unit 4. The coming week's lessons will discuss change to more than one digit, parts and total, number stories and temperature. Typically your child will have homework Monday through Thursday. We will be working on higher level thinking activities on Fridays, and will not assign homework over the weekend. For 3rd grade math students, they are finishing their work in Unit 3 focusing on perimeter, area, diameter, circumference and number models that help with these concepts. Then will start Unit 4 which focuses on multiplication and division. *Please continue to time your child 2 minutes and 15 seconds with their math facts.
FAST (phonics): We will continue working on concept 9 ("Changing Rule") the week we return. We will discuss how vowel tag does not always work so we need to change the vowels sound. For example, if you try to use vowel tag for "hotel" you would have "hot-" "-el." So the vowel "lets go of the tag and you have "ho-" "-tel." We will be studying list 9 of our spelling words.
In Class: We will be working on merging thinking with new learning. Our goal is to help the students listen to the voice in their head that signals new learning, understand the term "background knowledge," and react to new information they come across during reading.
For Homework: Your child will be asked to focus on the key pieces of doing a fiction retell.
Wordly Wise: We will introduce and begin to work from Lesson 5 this week. The words we are focusing on this week are: absorb, anchor, brush, bud, center, core, factory, hive, sapling, trunk. Check out the wordlywise3000 website for addition support.
Writing: We will start instructing on explanatory writing. Using similar formatting as we did for planning narrative pieces, we will have students explain why we should be thankful for veterans.
Social Studies: We will be moving into "How do communities change?" This addresses how a community changes as the needs of each community grow and change.
FOSS: FOSS science is in full swing. Your child will get to experience FOSS in their classrooms on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45pm-3:25pm.
Upcoming dates to know:
10/20-11/2 Fall Break
11/2 Day Light Savings Ends
11/5 Picture re-takes
11/7 Report cards go home
11/10-11/14 Parent teacher conferences
11/19 PTCO general meeting
11/21 PTCO Snowflake Dance
11/26-11/28 Thanksgiving Break
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Week of October 13th- October 17th
Hello Families-
Thank you, thank you for all of your support these past few weeks with our spirit Fridays, Ride/Walk your bike to School Day, last nights bingo night and now our all school food drive. Your support is truly amazing and appreciated! We are down to only five more days until Fall Break.
Did I mention they will be jam packed days full of fun but also hard work as we wrap up our data collection. Soon your teacher will be sending out a sign up for Fall Parent Conferences. These are not held until the second week after Fall break.
By now you should have heard from your classroom teacher about when your child's fall party will be along with any needs to support these fun events. We all look forward to seeing you then.
Friday, October 17th is also a PTCO Friday Fun Day, bring in $1 and wear a fun mustache that gives some of our specials teachers a run for their money!
This week we will focus on ....
Math: In second grade math, we will be continuing unit 3. This week's lessons will discuss making change by counting up, coin exchanges, and frames and arrows with multiple rules. Typically your child will have homework Monday through Thursday. We will be working on higher level thinking activities on Fridays, and will not assign homework over the weekend. For 3rd grade math students, they are continuing their work in unit 3 focusing on perimeter, area, diameter, circumference and number models that help with these concepts. *Please continue to time your child 2 minutes and 15 seconds with their math facts.
FAST (phonics): We are working on concept 9 (Silent Magnetic -e) this week. We will discuss how an -e at the end of the word can change a vowel to make it say its long sound but you never hear a sound from the -e. For example, the word "kit" turns to "kite" by adding the silent -e. If your child ever forgets their spelling spiral, please check out the spelling tab on the blog. We will be studying list 8 of our spelling words.
In Class: We will be working on making meaningful connections to texts. Our goal is to help the students understand that their own personal experiences are important to understanding what they read and learn. Keep working on how their connections help them understand the text better. (This could be because they understand how the characters are feeling.)
For Homework: Your child will be asked to build "T-charts" that demonstrate what their connection is and how the connection helps them better understand their personal text.
Wordly Wise: We will introduce and begin to work from Lesson 5 this week. The words we are focusing on this week are: absorb, anchor, brush, bud, center, core, factory, hive, sapling, trunk. Check out the wordlywise3000 website for addition support.
Writing: We are continuing to work on Personal Chronological Narrative. This week your child's classroom teacher will choose to do a new prompt or mini lessons focused on their individual class' needs. We are writing into our focused modeled writing notebooks. There is an opening sentence, three sentences for details, three sentences for extended details and a closing sentence. We are modeling so many wonderful writing strategies within our lessons based on our rubrics and the student's needs.
Social Studies: We will be continuing Unit 8 "How Can I be a Good Shopper?" This addresses the financial literacy standard for second grade. As classes we will discuss needs vs. wants.
FOSS: FOSS science is in full swing. Your child will get to experience FOSS in their classrooms on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45pm-3:25pm.
Upcoming dates to know:
10/16 Cherokee Trail Spirit Bus
10/16 Pack Assembly
10/17 PTCO Friday Fun Day, bring in $1 mustache day
10/20-11/2 Fall Break
Hello Families-
Thank you, thank you for all of your support these past few weeks with our spirit Fridays, Ride/Walk your bike to School Day, last nights bingo night and now our all school food drive. Your support is truly amazing and appreciated! We are down to only five more days until Fall Break.
Did I mention they will be jam packed days full of fun but also hard work as we wrap up our data collection. Soon your teacher will be sending out a sign up for Fall Parent Conferences. These are not held until the second week after Fall break.
By now you should have heard from your classroom teacher about when your child's fall party will be along with any needs to support these fun events. We all look forward to seeing you then.
Friday, October 17th is also a PTCO Friday Fun Day, bring in $1 and wear a fun mustache that gives some of our specials teachers a run for their money!
This week we will focus on ....
Math: In second grade math, we will be continuing unit 3. This week's lessons will discuss making change by counting up, coin exchanges, and frames and arrows with multiple rules. Typically your child will have homework Monday through Thursday. We will be working on higher level thinking activities on Fridays, and will not assign homework over the weekend. For 3rd grade math students, they are continuing their work in unit 3 focusing on perimeter, area, diameter, circumference and number models that help with these concepts. *Please continue to time your child 2 minutes and 15 seconds with their math facts.
FAST (phonics): We are working on concept 9 (Silent Magnetic -e) this week. We will discuss how an -e at the end of the word can change a vowel to make it say its long sound but you never hear a sound from the -e. For example, the word "kit" turns to "kite" by adding the silent -e. If your child ever forgets their spelling spiral, please check out the spelling tab on the blog. We will be studying list 8 of our spelling words.
In Class: We will be working on making meaningful connections to texts. Our goal is to help the students understand that their own personal experiences are important to understanding what they read and learn. Keep working on how their connections help them understand the text better. (This could be because they understand how the characters are feeling.)
For Homework: Your child will be asked to build "T-charts" that demonstrate what their connection is and how the connection helps them better understand their personal text.
Wordly Wise: We will introduce and begin to work from Lesson 5 this week. The words we are focusing on this week are: absorb, anchor, brush, bud, center, core, factory, hive, sapling, trunk. Check out the wordlywise3000 website for addition support.
Writing: We are continuing to work on Personal Chronological Narrative. This week your child's classroom teacher will choose to do a new prompt or mini lessons focused on their individual class' needs. We are writing into our focused modeled writing notebooks. There is an opening sentence, three sentences for details, three sentences for extended details and a closing sentence. We are modeling so many wonderful writing strategies within our lessons based on our rubrics and the student's needs.
Social Studies: We will be continuing Unit 8 "How Can I be a Good Shopper?" This addresses the financial literacy standard for second grade. As classes we will discuss needs vs. wants.
FOSS: FOSS science is in full swing. Your child will get to experience FOSS in their classrooms on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45pm-3:25pm.
Upcoming dates to know:
10/16 Cherokee Trail Spirit Bus
10/16 Pack Assembly
10/17 PTCO Friday Fun Day, bring in $1 mustache day
10/20-11/2 Fall Break
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Week of October 6th- October 10th
Hello Families-
What a great week we just wrapped up! It is amazing to think there are only ten more days until Fall Break.
As always we are grateful for all you do to support us in our classrooms! Be on the look out for an email from your classroom teacher or room parent(s) in regards to your child's fall celebration.
Don't forget about this coming Friday's fun Bingo night! This is an amazing night full of prizes, food and laughter.
Friday, October 10th is also a PTCO Friday Fun Day, bring in $1 and wear your best mismatched outfit!
This week we will focus on ....
Math: In second grade math, we will be continuing unit 3. This week's lessons will discuss using coins to buy things, telling time and looking at data. Typically your child will have homework Monday through Thursday. We will be working on higher level thinking activities on Fridays, and will not assign homework over the weekend. For 3rd grade math students, they are continuing their work in unit 3 focusing on linear measurement, perimeter and area. *Please continue to time your child 2 minutes and 15 seconds with their math facts.
FAST (phonics): We are working on concept 7 (Complex Fronts) this week. We will discuss that many words start with two consonants. These are complex because there are more sounds to segment for spelling. As good readers and writers we will segment for spelling and blend (stretch the sounds together like pulling on a rubber band or bubble gum) for reading. If your child ever forgets their spelling spiral, please check out the spelling tab on the blog.
In Class: We will be working on making meaningful connections to texts. Our goal is to help the students understand that their own personal experiences are important to understanding what they read and learn.
For Homework: Your child will be asked to build "T-charts" that demonstrate what their connection is and how the connection helps them better understand their personal text.
Wordly Wise: We are continuing to work from Lesson 4 this week. The words we are focusing on this week are: ape, brain, branch, cavern, chimney, dozen, flame, net, spear, and torch. Check out the wordlywise3000 website for addition support.
Writing: We are continuing to work on Personal Chronological Narrative. This week your child will be writing about "A time they have shown PACK". We are writing into our focused modeled writing notebooks. There is an opening sentence, three sentences for details, three sentences for extended details and a closing sentence. We are modeling so many wonderful writing strategies within our lessons based on our rubrics and the student's needs.
Social Studies: We finished Unit 6 "How are goods made and brought to us?" We will be starting Unit 8 "How Can I be a Good Shopper?" This addresses the financial literacy standard for second grade.
FOSS: FOSS science is in full swing. Your child will get to experience FOSS in their classrooms on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45pm-3:25pm.
Upcoming dates to know:
10/8 Walk to School Day
10/10 PTCO Friday Fun Day, bring in $1 mismatch day
10/10 Pizza and Bingo Night
10/16 Cherokee Trail Spirit Bus
10/16 Pack Assembly
10/17 PTCO Friday Fun Day, bring in $1 mustache day
10/20-11/2 Fall Break
Hello Families-
What a great week we just wrapped up! It is amazing to think there are only ten more days until Fall Break.
As always we are grateful for all you do to support us in our classrooms! Be on the look out for an email from your classroom teacher or room parent(s) in regards to your child's fall celebration.
Don't forget about this coming Friday's fun Bingo night! This is an amazing night full of prizes, food and laughter.
Friday, October 10th is also a PTCO Friday Fun Day, bring in $1 and wear your best mismatched outfit!
This week we will focus on ....
Math: In second grade math, we will be continuing unit 3. This week's lessons will discuss using coins to buy things, telling time and looking at data. Typically your child will have homework Monday through Thursday. We will be working on higher level thinking activities on Fridays, and will not assign homework over the weekend. For 3rd grade math students, they are continuing their work in unit 3 focusing on linear measurement, perimeter and area. *Please continue to time your child 2 minutes and 15 seconds with their math facts.
FAST (phonics): We are working on concept 7 (Complex Fronts) this week. We will discuss that many words start with two consonants. These are complex because there are more sounds to segment for spelling. As good readers and writers we will segment for spelling and blend (stretch the sounds together like pulling on a rubber band or bubble gum) for reading. If your child ever forgets their spelling spiral, please check out the spelling tab on the blog.
In Class: We will be working on making meaningful connections to texts. Our goal is to help the students understand that their own personal experiences are important to understanding what they read and learn.
For Homework: Your child will be asked to build "T-charts" that demonstrate what their connection is and how the connection helps them better understand their personal text.
Wordly Wise: We are continuing to work from Lesson 4 this week. The words we are focusing on this week are: ape, brain, branch, cavern, chimney, dozen, flame, net, spear, and torch. Check out the wordlywise3000 website for addition support.
Writing: We are continuing to work on Personal Chronological Narrative. This week your child will be writing about "A time they have shown PACK". We are writing into our focused modeled writing notebooks. There is an opening sentence, three sentences for details, three sentences for extended details and a closing sentence. We are modeling so many wonderful writing strategies within our lessons based on our rubrics and the student's needs.
Social Studies: We finished Unit 6 "How are goods made and brought to us?" We will be starting Unit 8 "How Can I be a Good Shopper?" This addresses the financial literacy standard for second grade.
FOSS: FOSS science is in full swing. Your child will get to experience FOSS in their classrooms on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45pm-3:25pm.
Upcoming dates to know:
10/8 Walk to School Day
10/10 PTCO Friday Fun Day, bring in $1 mismatch day
10/10 Pizza and Bingo Night
10/16 Cherokee Trail Spirit Bus
10/16 Pack Assembly
10/17 PTCO Friday Fun Day, bring in $1 mustache day
10/20-11/2 Fall Break
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