Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Welcome Back to School Second Grade families!
Open House- Tuesday, August 4th 12:00-4:00
A-F 12:00-1:00
G-L 1:00-2:00
M-R 2:00-3:00
S-Z 3:00-4:00

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hello families!

We hope you have had a great weekend despite all the rain. What a perfect excuse to stay inside, curl up, and read!

It is that time of year again....DRA2 is beginning. This is the final time this year we will give this assessment. Students will be pushed beyond their independent reading level to find the level that they need instruction. As this is an important assessment to help teachers know where the child's strengths and weaknesses are, we always keep in mind that it is one assessment out of data we have been collecting all year.

Did you mark your calendars for this years Second Grade Performance. The classes will perform their hard work on May 7th at 2:30 to the primary grades and then there will also be an evening performance for friends and family at 6:30 on May 7th. All performances are here at the school in the gym.

Reading: This week we working to determine importance to help us paraphrase information. We want students to be able to react, respond and merge their thinking with the information they read about to better remember it. To do this, we will work on using our own words to shape thoughts around what they read.

Math: Second grade- We are continuing work around lesson 11, Whole Number Operations Revisited. Third Grade- working on multiplication strategies.

Fast: Formal FAST lessons have ended for the year but we continue to work on the skills through our spelling words. This week we are working on Lesson 27: "wr", "kn", "mb".

Writing: We will be writing an expository piece around someone special in our life.

Social Studies: We are starting a new unit called, "Where in the World is Our Community?" This unit will build off the work we have done around geography.

Thank you again for all of your support and hard work!

The Second Grade Team

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hello families!

We hope you all had a fun/relaxing Spring Breaks! We have come back experiencing some typical Colorado weather, snow just as we think we are getting closer and closer to summer. May is near though and time will definitely fly from now to the end of the year. :) 

This week we are COGAT testing. This test gives us more information on how your child learns. This test is spread over 3 days at about an hour a day. 

Did you mark your calendars for this years Second Grade Performance. The classes will perform their hard work on May 7th at 2:30 to the primary grades and then there will also be an evening performance for friends and family at 6:30 on May 7th. All performances are here at the school in the gym.

Reading: This week we are looking at the difference between  important information and interesting facts. It is important to be able to distinguish between what is really important while we read and what are details that are just fun to learn about. When we find important information, especially in non-fiction texts, we can mark them with a star to refer back to it.

Math: Second grade- We are beginning lesson 11, Whole Number Operations Revisited. Third Grade- working on multiplication algorithms.

Fast: Formal FAST lessons have ended for the year but we continue to work on the skills through our spelling words. This week we are working on Lesson 26: Long /e/ can be spelled 'ei' at the beginning or middle of words and 'ey' at the end of words

Writing: We are using mini lessons to guide different types of writing on the topic "Earth Day". 

Social Studies: We are studying geography. The different types of land forms as well as finding them on a map. 

Thank you again for all of your support and hard work! 

The Second Grade Team

Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20, 2015
Hello families!

Happy Friday! We hope you all had a fabulous week and are able to enjoy this coming weekend.

Keep an eye out for a letter, email, or sign up coming from your room parent(s) in regards to the spring auction baskets. Each year we are blown away by the creativity and generosity of our families. Thank you so much for your time that you put into this fun event to support our students.

Double check your calendars for this years Second Grade Performance. The classes will perform their hard work on May 7th at 2:30 to the primary grades and then there will also be an evening performance for friends and family at 6:30 on May 7th. All performances are here at the school in the gym.

Next week is a full week (only one more left!!!) we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: Figuring out what is important and looking for key details as we compare and contrast different versions of the same story. For example "Little Red Hen" compared to "Gator Gumbo." "Gator Gumbo" has a southern twist to the traditional story "Little Red Hen."

Math: Second grade- we will continue with Unit 10 that focuses on money and decimal amounts with a calculator. Third grade-will finish up Unit 8, fractions.

Fast: We will move into concept 24 "Scribal O." Our spelling words will come from list 24 applying the FAST concept of "IGH as long I."

Writing: Our focus will be expository writing, and mini lessons based on each classrooms needs. As a grade level we are making sure students understand the purpose of writing and the process of editing vs. revising.

Social Studies: Maps and how to use a map is our focus.

Wordly Wise: Finish list 12

Have a fantastic Friday and a great weekend!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26, 2015
Hello families!

Are we there yet!?!?! Teachers and students alike are counting down the hours till we get time to relax and re-energize. This has been a long haul full of tremendous hard work. Thank you for all of your support at home!

As we send the kiddos off to Spring Break, take a peak in their homework folders or Friday folders for a two sided flower sheet. For every twenty minutes read students can color in a section of the flower. Have them bring it back after break and they will receive a PACK card...or two or... for their hard work. ;-)

Keep an eye out for a letter, email, or sign up coming from your room parent(s) in regards to the spring auction baskets. Each year we are blown away by the creativity and generosity of our families. Thank you so much for your time that you put into this fun event to support our students.

Did you mark your calendars for this years Second Grade Performance. The classes will perform their hard work on May 7th at 2:30 to the primary grades and then there will also be an evening performance for friends and family at 6:30 on May 7th. All performances are here at the school in the gym.

Thank you again for all of your support and hard work! Have a fabulous Spring Break!

The Second Grade Team

Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20, 2015
Hello families!

Happy Friday! We hope you all had a fabulous week and are able to enjoy this coming weekend.

Keep an eye out for a letter, email, or sign up coming from your room parent(s) in regards to the spring auction baskets. Each year we are blown away by the creativity and generosity of our families. Thank you so much for your time that you put into this fun event to support our students.

Double check your calendars for this years Second Grade Performance. The classes will perform their hard work on May 7th at 2:30 to the primary grades and then there will also be an evening performance for friends and family at 6:30 on May 7th. All performances are here at the school in the gym.

Next week is a full week (only one more left!!!) we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: Figuring out what is important and looking for key details as we compare and contrast different versions of the same story. For example "Little Red Hen" compared to "Gator Gumbo." "Gator Gumbo" has a southern twist to the traditional story "Little Red Hen."

Math: Second grade- we will continue with Unit 10 that focuses on money and decimal amounts with a calculator. Third grade-will finish up Unit 8, fractions.

Fast: We will move into concept 24 "Scribal O." Our spelling words will come from list 24 applying the FAST concept of "IGH as long I."

Writing: Our focus will be expository writing, and mini lessons based on each classrooms needs. As a grade level we are making sure students understand the purpose of writing and the process of editing vs. revising.

Social Studies: Maps and how to use a map is our focus.

Wordly Wise: Finish list 12

Have a fantastic Friday and a great weekend!

Friday, March 13, 2015

March 13, 2015
Hello families!

Happy Friday! We hope you all had a fabulous week and are able to enjoy this coming weekend.

Keep an eye out for a letter, email, or sign up coming from your room parent(s) in regards to the spring auction baskets. Each year we are blown away by the creativity and generosity of our families. Thank you so much for your time that you put into this fun event to support our students.

Next week is a full week (only two more left!!!) we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: Figuring out what is important and looking for key details as we compare and contrast different versions of the same story. For example "Little Red Hen" compared to "Gator Gumbo." "Gator Gumbo" has a southern twist to the traditional story "Little Red Hen."

Math: Second grade- we will review and test on Unit 9, measurement. Then they will move into Unit 10 that focuses on money and decimal amounts with a calculator. Third grade-will continue Unit 8, fractions.

Fast: We will move into concept 23 "Ghost Letters." Our spelling words will come from list 23 applying the FAST concept of "Kind Old Words."

Writing: Our focus will be expository writing, and mini lessons based on each classrooms needs. As a grade level we are making sure students understand the purpose of writing and the process of editing vs. revising.

Social Studies: Maps and how to use a map is our focus.

Wordly Wise: Finish list 12

Have a fantastic Friday and a great weekend!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5, 2015

Hello families!

Thank you for taking the time to celebrate all the growth your children have made this year in second grade. We, the second grade teachers, all enjoyed this time with you!

Next week is a full week we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: Understanding what it means to infer. Inferring the meaning of poems by merging background knowledge with clues from the text.

Math: Second grade- we will continue work on Unit 9, measurement. Third grade-will finish Unit 7 and start Unit 8, fractions.

Fast: We will move into concept 22 "Soft G and C." Our spelling words will be review words found on list 22. (Students will be tested on the words not in parentheses.)

Writing: Our focus will be expository writing. Making sure our opening sentences state a clear opinion addressing the prompt. The opening should be followed up with three reasons for their opinions and three examples that support those reasons. Then a closing that summaries the entire piece. 

Social Studies: Maps and how to use a map is our new focus.

Wordly Wise: Start list 12

Have a fantastic long weekend and a great week!

Friday, February 27, 2015

February 27, 2015

Hello families!

Next week is conference week. We look forward to sitting down and sharing our students' amazing progress with you. You should have received your child's progress report this afternoon. Please let your child's teacher know if somehow it didn't make it home! If you have not signed up for a conference time with your teacher, please do so!

Next week is a short week. In celebration of Read Across America day and Dr. Seuss' birthday, we thought it would be fun if we had kids bring in their favorite Seuss books. On Monday, 3/2/15, we encourage kids to bring in their Dr. Seuss books and a blanket. We will enjoy our books together in the afternoon. Please write your name inside the book, or use a sticky note, as many kids may own the same books!

This  (short) week we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: Dr. Seuss Read Across America Day

Math: Second grade- we will continue work on Unit 9, measurement.Third grade-

Fast: We will use this short week as a review for both FAST concepts and spelling- no new words/test this week.

Writing: We will create our own Dr. Seuss character/creature and use his writing style as a model for our own.

Social Studies: We will be completing Chapter 10- Public Services

Wordly Wise: Finish Unit 11

Have a fantastic week!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18, 2015

Hello families!

I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. It was nice to see so many of you for our Valentine's parties last week. Special thanks to our room parents for coordinating such memorable events for our kids.

This week we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: Many changes have been made to our reading conference schedules. Please check with your child's teacher if you have any questions.

Math: Second grade- we are wrapping up our work on unit 8, Fractions.  We will review next Monday 2/23, and test Tuesday 2/24. Third grade will be continuing Unit 7, Multiplication Fact Power and Parentheses in a problem.

Fast: We will use this short week as a review for both FAST concepts and spelling- no new words/test this week.

Writing: We will be assessing expository writing with the prompt: "Is it hard to be a kid? Why or why not?"

Social Studies:  We will be introducing the unit "What are the public services in our community?" as well as emphasizing Presidents' Day/history of Washington and Lincoln. The month of February is also Black History month!

Wordly Wise: No new units this week

The second trimester grading period ends this Friday. Expect report cards to go home next Friday, 2/27. Conference sign ups will be rolling out through individual teachers. Please contact your child's teacher regarding specifics, or if you have any questions!

Have a fantastic week!

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9, 2015

Hello families!
What a beautiful weekend we had! I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy it! We are gearing up for a long weekend coming up- hopefully the weather will hold out!

This is the last week for our Pennies for Patients/Make a Wish donation drive. Please continue to bring in pennies- every bit helps! You may make an online donation by visiting
Feel free to forward the link as well!!!

This week we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: Many changes have been made to our reading conference schedules. Please check with your child's teacher if you have any questions.

Math: Second grade- we are continuing our work on unit 8, Fractions.  Third grade will be starting Unit 7, Multiplication Fact Power and Parentheses in a problem.

Fast: In class we will be teaching lesson 19 , Long i/cy change.  If a word ends in a consonant-y, you change to y to i before you add any suffix, unless the suffix begins with an i. If a word ends in a consonant-y and you wish to make it plural, change to y to i and add -es.  For spelling we will be working on Lesson 20 (long a review), and will be testing on Friday.

Writing: We will be wrapping up our work on Expository writing, and responding to the prompt: "Which is your favorite special (class) and why?"

Social Studies:  "What are the public services in our community?"

Wordly Wise: We are continuing lesson 10, and will be testing by Friday

Pizza Hut Spirit Night- Thursday, Feb. 12. Flyers/vouchers come home Tuesday or Wednesday.
Valentine's parties will be Friday 2/13- check with your child's teacher for times

 There is no school on Monday, Feb. 16 (Presidents' Day) or Tuesday, Feb. 17 (teacher non-contact day) Enjoy your long weekend!

Have a fantastic week!

Monday, February 2, 2015

February 3, 2015

Dear Parents,

January was filled with many mid year bench mark tests., which are finally complete! Woohoo! Thanks for your patience as our conference schedule was altered as we assessed progress. 

This week we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: Many changes have been made to our reading conference schedules. Please check with your child's teacher if you have any questions.

Math: Second grade- we are finishing unit 7, testing on Wednesday, and beginning Unit 8, fractions.  Third grade will be finishing unit 6, Geometry, and testing on Friday.

Fast: In class we will be teaching lesson 18 , yellows. "Yellows" fit what we know, but there's something to be aware of. Use caution with -ou, -ow, -ea, -y, and -igh.  For spelling we will be working on Lesson 19, and will be testing on Friday.

Social Studies: Some classes are concluding lesson 12 "How do we have a voice in our community?", and others have concluded and will be beginning lesson 10 "What are the public services in our community?"

Wordly Wise: We are starting lesson 10

This Friday is Pajama Day for Friday Fun Donations for Pennies for Patients

Have a fantastic week!

Monday, January 26, 2015

January 23rd, 2015

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for the Pennies for Patients Donations. The daily coins, and Friday Fun Days have been really uplifting and fun to participate in.  Our classrooms will be collecting money until Friday, February 13th.

January has been filled with many mid year bench mark tests.  We are so excited to share your child's progress with you at conferences this Spring.

This week we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: One last week of DRA testing.  Your child will most likely be conferencing once a week with their teacher, please check with your homeroom teacher if you have any questions. 

Math: Second grade- we are working through unit 7, we will be working on doubles, weight, equal sharing, patterns, and medians.  Third grade will be focusing on...unit 6.

Fast: In class we will be teaching lesson 17 a green review.  We will be going over the magic e,  r-family, long and short vowels, the walkers, diphthongs, etc.  For spelling we will be working on Lesson 18, and will be testing on Friday.

Social Studies: We are concluding lesson 12 "How do we have a voice in our community?"

Wordly Wise: We are concluding lesson 9, and will test at the end of the week.

This Friday is Mustache Day for Friday Fun Donations for Pennies for Patients, Next Friday February 6th will be pajama day.

Enjoy this wonderful weather this week!

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Dear Parents,
Our school has kicked off our annual Pennies for Patients Fundraiser.  The students will be bringing home little boxes to collect change, and your homeroom teacher will be sending you a link that you can donate online.  We will be starting Friday Fun Days, in which the students are encouraged to bring in $1 towards the fundraiser to participate.  Tomorrow January 16th will be Jersey Day.  1/23 will be mustache day. 2/6 will be Pajama Day. 

This week we will focus on...
F.A.S.T (Phonics)- We will begin concept 16 Most Kind Old Words. Words that end in -ild, -ind, -old, -ost, often had the long vowel sound.

Math: In 2nd grade math, we are starting our work in unit 7 with lessons focusing on patterns. 3rd grade math is starting Unit 6,  focusing on line segments, parallel lines, and angles and turns.

Reading: We are doing one conference per week, and reviewing DRA skills in preparation for the DRA testing happening this month.   

Wordly Wise: We are starting lesson 9 words. For extra support, check out http://wordlywise3000.com

Writing: We are using writing time to write about our Arctic Animals.  We are filling out information in a KWL chart about what we know, want to know, and have learned about our animals.  We are using the table of contents to generate questions about our acrtic animals.  We will fill out information on our animal's description, habitat, food source, location in world, daily life, survival techniques, and fun facts.  We will ultimately fill out an informational research page, and type the final product.  In addition to book resources, we will be using online resources to add to our knowledge.  

Social Studies: We are starting "How do people improve their communities?"

FOSS: FOSS teachers will continue to teach the current unit

Upcoming dates:
Friday, January 1/16 $1 Jersey Day
Monday, January 19th- No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Friday, January 23rd- $1 Mustache Day
Saturday, January 24th- Mother/Son Monster Golf
Friday, February 6th- $1 Pajama Day 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that it is already the second week of the new year.  The students have been excited to be back at school, and we have enjoyed getting back into our normal routines in our classrooms.  Thank you for sharing your children with us each day, we are blessed to have your partnership. This month is super busy with testing mid-year AIMS.  This is a series of 4 tests, compared to the regular 2 we practice each month.  We are DRA testing all month.  We are also doing MAPS testing in reading and math on our computer.
This week we will focus on...
F.A.S.T (Phonics)- We will begin concept 15 Long O. We hear the O sound when we have an open syllable, example: O-pen, we also hear the O sound when we attach a silent magic magnetic e to the end of a word, example: hope, we also hear the O sound at the end of a word, example: grow.
Math: In 2nd grade math, we are ending our work in unit 6 with a lesson in division, a unit 6 review, a unit 6 test, and a mid year test. 3rd grade math is working on Unit 5 test on Monday, and starting unit 6 focusing on line segments, parallel lines, and angles and turns.
Reading: We are doing one conference per week, and reviewing DRA skills in preparation for the DRA testing happening this month.  Wordly Wise: We are continuing work on lesson 8 words. We will be testing this Friday 1/16. For extra support, check out http://wordlywise3000.com
Writing: We are using writing time to write about our Arctic Animals.  We are filling out information in a KWL chart about what we know, want to know, and have learned about our animals.  We are using the table of contents to generate questions about our acrtic animals.  We will fill out information on our animal's description, habitat, food source, location in world, daily life, survival techniques, and fun facts.  We will ultimately fill out an informational research page, and type the final product.  In addition to book resources, we will be using online resources to add to our knowledge. 
Social Studies: We are finishing the unit "How do People Become a Part of Our County?".

FOSS: FOSS teachers will continue to teach the current unit

Upcoming dates:
Monday, January 19th- No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Saturday, January 24th- Mother/Son Monster Golf