Hello families!
Are we there yet!?!?! Teachers and students alike are counting down the hours till we get time to relax and re-energize. This has been a long haul full of tremendous hard work. Thank you for all of your support at home!
Are we there yet!?!?! Teachers and students alike are counting down the hours till we get time to relax and re-energize. This has been a long haul full of tremendous hard work. Thank you for all of your support at home!
As we send the kiddos off to Spring Break, take a peak in their homework folders or Friday folders for a two sided flower sheet. For every twenty minutes read students can color in a section of the flower. Have them bring it back after break and they will receive a PACK card...or two or... for their hard work. ;-)
Keep an eye out for a letter, email, or sign up coming from your room parent(s) in regards to the spring auction baskets. Each year we are blown away by the creativity and generosity of our families. Thank you so much for your time that you put into this fun event to support our students.
Did you mark your calendars for this years Second Grade Performance. The classes will perform their hard work on May 7th at 2:30 to the primary grades and then there will also be an evening performance for friends and family at 6:30 on May 7th. All performances are here at the school in the gym.
Keep an eye out for a letter, email, or sign up coming from your room parent(s) in regards to the spring auction baskets. Each year we are blown away by the creativity and generosity of our families. Thank you so much for your time that you put into this fun event to support our students.
Did you mark your calendars for this years Second Grade Performance. The classes will perform their hard work on May 7th at 2:30 to the primary grades and then there will also be an evening performance for friends and family at 6:30 on May 7th. All performances are here at the school in the gym.
Thank you again for all of your support and hard work! Have a fabulous Spring Break!
The Second Grade Team