Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26, 2015
Hello families!

Are we there yet!?!?! Teachers and students alike are counting down the hours till we get time to relax and re-energize. This has been a long haul full of tremendous hard work. Thank you for all of your support at home!

As we send the kiddos off to Spring Break, take a peak in their homework folders or Friday folders for a two sided flower sheet. For every twenty minutes read students can color in a section of the flower. Have them bring it back after break and they will receive a PACK card...or two or... for their hard work. ;-)

Keep an eye out for a letter, email, or sign up coming from your room parent(s) in regards to the spring auction baskets. Each year we are blown away by the creativity and generosity of our families. Thank you so much for your time that you put into this fun event to support our students.

Did you mark your calendars for this years Second Grade Performance. The classes will perform their hard work on May 7th at 2:30 to the primary grades and then there will also be an evening performance for friends and family at 6:30 on May 7th. All performances are here at the school in the gym.

Thank you again for all of your support and hard work! Have a fabulous Spring Break!

The Second Grade Team

Friday, March 20, 2015

March 20, 2015
Hello families!

Happy Friday! We hope you all had a fabulous week and are able to enjoy this coming weekend.

Keep an eye out for a letter, email, or sign up coming from your room parent(s) in regards to the spring auction baskets. Each year we are blown away by the creativity and generosity of our families. Thank you so much for your time that you put into this fun event to support our students.

Double check your calendars for this years Second Grade Performance. The classes will perform their hard work on May 7th at 2:30 to the primary grades and then there will also be an evening performance for friends and family at 6:30 on May 7th. All performances are here at the school in the gym.

Next week is a full week (only one more left!!!) we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: Figuring out what is important and looking for key details as we compare and contrast different versions of the same story. For example "Little Red Hen" compared to "Gator Gumbo." "Gator Gumbo" has a southern twist to the traditional story "Little Red Hen."

Math: Second grade- we will continue with Unit 10 that focuses on money and decimal amounts with a calculator. Third grade-will finish up Unit 8, fractions.

Fast: We will move into concept 24 "Scribal O." Our spelling words will come from list 24 applying the FAST concept of "IGH as long I."

Writing: Our focus will be expository writing, and mini lessons based on each classrooms needs. As a grade level we are making sure students understand the purpose of writing and the process of editing vs. revising.

Social Studies: Maps and how to use a map is our focus.

Wordly Wise: Finish list 12

Have a fantastic Friday and a great weekend!

Friday, March 13, 2015

March 13, 2015
Hello families!

Happy Friday! We hope you all had a fabulous week and are able to enjoy this coming weekend.

Keep an eye out for a letter, email, or sign up coming from your room parent(s) in regards to the spring auction baskets. Each year we are blown away by the creativity and generosity of our families. Thank you so much for your time that you put into this fun event to support our students.

Next week is a full week (only two more left!!!) we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: Figuring out what is important and looking for key details as we compare and contrast different versions of the same story. For example "Little Red Hen" compared to "Gator Gumbo." "Gator Gumbo" has a southern twist to the traditional story "Little Red Hen."

Math: Second grade- we will review and test on Unit 9, measurement. Then they will move into Unit 10 that focuses on money and decimal amounts with a calculator. Third grade-will continue Unit 8, fractions.

Fast: We will move into concept 23 "Ghost Letters." Our spelling words will come from list 23 applying the FAST concept of "Kind Old Words."

Writing: Our focus will be expository writing, and mini lessons based on each classrooms needs. As a grade level we are making sure students understand the purpose of writing and the process of editing vs. revising.

Social Studies: Maps and how to use a map is our focus.

Wordly Wise: Finish list 12

Have a fantastic Friday and a great weekend!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5, 2015

Hello families!

Thank you for taking the time to celebrate all the growth your children have made this year in second grade. We, the second grade teachers, all enjoyed this time with you!

Next week is a full week we will be focusing on the following content:

Reading: Understanding what it means to infer. Inferring the meaning of poems by merging background knowledge with clues from the text.

Math: Second grade- we will continue work on Unit 9, measurement. Third grade-will finish Unit 7 and start Unit 8, fractions.

Fast: We will move into concept 22 "Soft G and C." Our spelling words will be review words found on list 22. (Students will be tested on the words not in parentheses.)

Writing: Our focus will be expository writing. Making sure our opening sentences state a clear opinion addressing the prompt. The opening should be followed up with three reasons for their opinions and three examples that support those reasons. Then a closing that summaries the entire piece. 

Social Studies: Maps and how to use a map is our new focus.

Wordly Wise: Start list 12

Have a fantastic long weekend and a great week!