Sunday, November 23, 2014

Week of November 24-28

Dear Parents,

We hope you enjoyed your weekend! We are glad that the Broncos squeaked out the victory against the Dolphins- it makes our weekends a bit more enjoyable!  We have already arrived at Thanksgiving week! Please know that we are incredibly thankful for the Coyote Hills community, you, and your children.  We have much to be thankful for in this season!  We have a short two day week, and then plenty of time to relax over the extra long weekend! We hope for safe travels for any of you who will be visiting friends or family out of town.

This week we will focus on...

F.A.S.T. (Phonics)- We will use the two days to review our concepts from the last two weeks- long e and r family.  There will be no spelling this week.

Reading: In class, we will continue the work we have been doing, as well as learning more about Thanksgiving.

For homework: We will not be conducting reading conferences this week.  The homework students received last week will be due on their conference day the week following Thanksgiving.

Math: Both 2nd and 3rd grade math classes will continue the work in their current units.

Wordly Wise: We will be testing on the words from lesson 6 this week.

Writing: We will be doing a fun writing project this week! Students will be asked to write about how they would disguise a turkey to help it survive through Thanksgiving without being eaten.

Social Studies: We will continue our unit on "How communities are diverse."

FOSS: FOSS teachers will continue to teach the current unit.  

Friday, November 14, 2014

Week of November 17-21

Dear Parents,

We hope that you survived the frigid temperatures this week! It was great to meet with so many of you for conferences throughout week. It is always fun to be able to tell you all of the great things that your kids are doing!  Thank you for all of the support you give your child as well as us teachers, we really appreciate it.  We hope that your child enjoyed their day off on Friday!  It is hard to believe that we have this week and then it is Thanksgiving week already!

This week we will focus on...

F.A.S.T.(Phonics)- We will begin concept 11, the R family.  In this concept, students will learn that er, ir, ur, ar, and or  all belong in the same family and say the /er/ sound.  However, ar and or are rowdy teenagers who like to do their own thing most the time.  ar says /ar/ as in "car," and or says /or/ as in "for."  Students should study spelling list 11 for this week.

Math: In 2nd grade math, we will wrap up Unit 4 with the test on Wednesday.  We will begin Unit 5 on Thursday and participate in "rich math tasks" on Friday.  3rd grade will continue Unit 4, learning about multiplication and division.  **Please continue to practice the STANDout math facts with your child.  They are given 2 minutes and 15 seconds to complete the fact sheet.**

In class, we will learn about viewing and reading to learn and wonder.  In these lessons, students will learn to use text and images to understand the story, think and wonder about new learning, realize that misconceptions are normal, and that all learners revise their thinking after reading and listening to additional information.

For reading homework, we will continue working on mastering basic story elements.

Wordly Wise: We will introduce and do activities with the words from lesson 6.  For extra support, check out

Writing: We will continue to work on expository writing (writing to explain why).  The students this week will write to the prompt, "What is your favorite family tradition? Explain why it is your favorite."

Social Studies: We will wrap up our unit on "How communities change," this week with a test on Wednesday.  We will move onto a unit discovering "How communities are diverse."

FOSS: FOSS teachers will continue to teach their current units to our classes.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Week of November 10th - 14th

Dear Parents,

Last week flew by and it feels great to be back in the swing of things. We will celebrate our veterans this week, with an assembly as well as having guest speakers in our classroom on Tuesday.  This week we have parent teacher conferences, and we are looking forward to seeing you and talking about your wonderful children! Due to conferences, please remember that we will not have school on Friday, November 14th.

This week we will focus on....

F.A.S.T (Phonics)- We will begin concept 10, which covers the Long E sound.  We will discuss that the long e sound can be made using ee, ea, y, e, and e_e.  Students will learn that in one syllable words, ee and ea are the best, and in multisyllable words, e, ee, ea, e_e, and y are the best.   Students should study Spelling list 10 throughout the week.

Math: In 2nd grade math, we will continue our work in Unit 4, which focuses on addition strategies, diagrams, temperature, and number stories.  Homework will be assigned Monday-Thursday.  3rd grade math will continue in Unit 4 as well, focusing on multiplication and division.  ** Please continue to test your children for 2 minutes and 15 seconds on their STANDOUT math facts each night.**

In class, we will continue reading nonfiction books, discussing our background knowledge on different topics, and reading to find new information.  Our goal is to help students understand what "background knowledge" is, and how it helps us understand the text better.  We are also working on gaining new knowledge to "file" in our brains.

For homework, we are working on different story elements as well as retells.

Wordly Wise: We will continue studying and working in Lesson 5 this week with a test on Thursday.  Words for this week are: absorb, anchor, brush, bud, center, core, factory, hive, sapling, and trunk.  Check out for additional support.

Writing: This week, we will be diving into expository(explanatory) writing. Students will be writing about their favorite time of the year, and explaining why it is their favorite.

Social Studies: We will continue our unit on how communities change.

FOSS: FOSS teachers will continue teaching the current units in FOSS, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:45-3:25.

Upcoming dates to know:
Conference Night
Conference Day
PTCO General Meeting



Choir assembly
PTCO Barnes & Noble Night

PACK Assembly
Winter Break