Speller's Choice

Speller’s Choice
Please do one speller’s choice activity each night in order to prepare for your spelling test on Friday. 
1.     ABC order- Write your words in alphabetical order.
2.     Reversed words- Write your words in ABC order… backwards!
3.     Rainbow words- Use three different colors to write your words.
4.     Cheer your words- Pretend you are a cheerleader and cheer out your words (and spell them too!) to an adult.
5.     Backwards words- Write your words forwards, then backwards!
6.    Silly sentences- Use all of your words in 10 sentences.
7.     Pyramid words- Write your words adding one letter at a time.  The result will be a pyramid shape of words!
Example:  star
8.      Spelling City- Go to the website http://www.spellingcity.com/kruter    Then, select the unit and week that we are working on.
9.      Disappearing words- Write each word, then write it again but leave one letter out… then write it again and leave TWO letters out… then three… until your word has disappeared!
Example:  cowboy
cowboy _owboy  __wboy  ___boy  ____oy  _____y  _____
10.   Computer fun- Use your computer to type your words.  Use different fonts and make it look really fun!  Be sure you print it out and bring it in your reading binder or you can type your words in an e-mail to your teacher if you want to!
11.   Friendly Words- Write two words that share a letter so they are touching!
12.   Air Words- Use your finger to write each word in the air.  Have a parent do the same.  See if you can figure out their word!  Write this in the box as your choice and have someone sign it to say you spelled your words in the air.
13.    Other Handed- If you are right handed, write your words with your left hand!  If you are left handed, write your words with your right hand!

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