Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Week of January 21, 2014

Hopefully everyone enjoyed a wonderful day off yesterday as we honored and reflected upon the life and message of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What wonderful weather we had, along with great football!
Here's what you can expect this week:

Math :  2nd grade math will take a mid-year assessment on Tuesday, resulting in no homework for that evening! We will begin Unit 7, Patterns and Rules. Stand Out Math facts' test will continue in your child's homeroom.  Remember the goal for every 2nd grader is to master all addition and subtraction facts by the end of the year. In 3rd grade math,  we will complete Unit 6, which focuses on geometry (specifically line segments, rays and lines, along with parallel and intersecting line segments).

Literacy:  Our common focus this week will be finding the main idea and non-fiction text features (captions, diagrams, headings, etc.) We will also finish up discussions about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., focusing on the standards of Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges, as well as Describing the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps.  Through our Weekly Reader and read alouds, we will hit additional reading strategies for shorter mini lessons that cycle through the year:  inferencing, visualization, cause/effect, problem/solution, theme, moral, key events and details, and nonfiction text features to name a few.

DRA testing will wrap up this week, and reading conferences may be altered. If you have a questions or concerns about reading conferences, or assignments in your child's class, please contact your homeroom teacher. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Students in Ms. Neuder's book club will have assignments due as usual.

 FAST:  We will be working on a new concept (All King Think words) in the FAST weekly lessons, and review the  R family concept for our Lesson 17 test on Friday.  We also test on review concepts to ensure application and success for the test!

Wordly Wise:  We will complete Lesson 8. Did you know you can view and practice Wordly Wise lessons online? Here's the link: Wordly Wise 
The link is also available on the sidebar of the blog homepage.

Writing:  We will continue our work expository writing. We will be taking a baseline assessment of students' expository writing skills, asking them to write about their favorite special (art, music, PE, technology).

Science:  We will continue with our FOSS program on Mondays and Thursdays.

Social Studies:  We will continue with Unit 4 Geography.


Pennies for Patients- Coyote Hills is trying to raise $10,000.00 in the month of January for Pennies for Patients. You can view your class and our school progress here at this link Pennies for Patients
as well as donate online! Feel free to send the link on to family and friends who may want to support our cause! The class with the most donations wins a pizza party!
In addition, we will be bringing back spirit Fridays to support our efforts.

·         Jan 17- Crazy Hair/hat day

·         Jan 24- Moustache Day
·         Jan 31- Pajama Day
  Students may bring in $1.00 to participate, and all monies collected will go to Pennies for Patients!

Mother/Son Bowling is Sat. Jan. 25th!

Please contact your homeroom teacher if you have any questions or comments.  Thank you for your support as always!

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